Baby Swim Lessons

Buy Swim Gym Swim-A-Long Songs

Level 1: Baby Bonding 

Connect with the wonderful world of aquatics and immerse yourself and your baby in a fun-filled class. This class is ideal for child stimulation, parent bonding & learning how to learn. We will “sing games” and “play songs” so that you and your child will associate the friendly environment with a fun experience. Come and learn from our instructors how to make your child safe in, on or around the water. Aquatic peace of mind is knowing that your child will ask permission to enter the water.



Level 2: Diaper Dolphins 

You have successfully completed several seasons of baby bonding. This class focuses on age appropriate games and songs, which aid in the development in your child’s confidence & large motor skills. Through the progression and development of this class, babies will understand their limitations and will continue discovering the skills necessary for aquatic independence.