- BB&DPS – Best Balance & Distance Per Stroke: 5 strokes or less in the 4 styles in a short course pool, 10 strokes or less in long course – “Tai Chi Swimming.” Please go to T.I.P.S. for a more detailed explanation.
- OB Over Best: # of strokes recommended over your BBDPS count
- TOR Turn Over Rate
- Y FlY
- K BacK
- T BreasT
- E FreE
- uw Underwater
- kk Kick
- ‘ Minutes
- “ Seconds
- w/ with: utilized to indicate a number of seconds of rest between repetitions
- on: to indicate that everyone will do a repetition on a set send-off
- Description of Training Set: 25’ x (5 x 100 /10”)w/30” – During 25 minutes, you swim sets of 5 one-hundreds taking 10 seconds to rest after each and taking 30 seconds rest after 5.
KRLS – IM: Do one length, 25 yards or meters, of Kick, Right arm, Left arm, Swim in each of the 4 strokes, of the Individual Medley. When you do the KICK segment, stay on the streamline position until you need to breathe; on flY, breasT, & freE cross your thumbs and your hands, side by side, become your kick board, on bacK you stay at streamline position the whole way, but when you need to breathe, break surface and continue kicking the rest of the length. On RIGHT/LEFT Arms, begin swimming the lap with the arm that you will use and on the first stroke place the other arm at your side. On fly breathe to the side of the arm that strokes, make sure it is perfectly straight at the elbow. On back roll out both shoulders, pay attention to the roll with the hip opposite the arm that is stroking. On breast touch your heel every time with the fingertips of the arm that stayed down after the underwater pullout. On free breathe to the side of the arm that is down; learn to drive the swimming arm, roll and breathe at the same time, then set the head and stroke. On the SWIM lap do your best balance and distance per stroke (5 strokes or less per length)
{4 x 25 on 60” kk w/board or dolphin under water on your back all the way
{1 x 100 E on 2’, breathe: 3, 5, 7, 9 or 3, 5, 3, 7 depending on ability
Alternate the 4x 25 kick with the 100 hypoxic, do the number of sets recommended or as many as you have time until your workout is over.
Try to break 20” on the 25 kick; if you kick slower than 30”pace go on 75”
If the 2’ interval is not enough to swim, rest and to restart the kick take it to 2:15 or 2:30
Catch-up Free on the sides: Swim freestyle with a kickboard, when you roll to breathe on your side turn the board perpendicular to the water with the leading hand, with the hand of the recovery arm grab the board at the top, and swim with the arm on the bottom, repeat the roll to the non-breathing side. Roll side to side, and always grab the board at the top with the recovering hand, and be light on the hand holding the board (do not sink it), learn to ride on your lungs, out of your arm pit. Pay attention to rolling the hip and shoulder axis together as a unit; you can also breathe on both sides.
During warm-up triathletes are encouraged to swim the 4 styles, it is warm-up for the entire musculoskeletal system; furthermore, swimming breaststroke can help in a race situation in the event of a foot or calf cramp, the breast kick requires to flex the foot, the way to get rid of said cramps; swimming backstroke will help the triathletes to ‘find core’, connecting the hands to the power source, the hip rotation, while keeping the head set, (no need to turn the head to breathe); the butterfly, will make you more aquatic. When swimmers do Individual Medley: Y, K, T, and E: FLY, BACK, BREAST, FREE; Tri-athletes swim: N, P, F, B: Naked (no equipment), Paddles, Fins, Both
1 stroke in Y and T is one extension to the front end; count the letter at the breath and the number at the “glide.” 1 stroke in E and K is counted when both arms have completed a revolution, the letter for one hand, and the number for the other hand; count when the revolution is completed at hand entry. The recommended “Number of Strokes OB” over best is for short course pools, if you train in a long course pool double the recommended number and add a stroke. Obviously, the lack of turn and the extra distance makes a difference. For example if the set reads swim at 1 ½ to 2 ½ OB, it means that in the long course pool you will swim at 4 to 6 strokes over your best stroke count. We know that when you take more strokes you swim faster, up to a point that your style may suffer or tire you too quickly. Pay attention: count strokes. When equipment such as paddles and/or fins are used deduct ½ stroke from the OB for each accessory that you wear.