• BB&DPS – Best Balance & Distance Per Stroke: 5 strokes or less in the 4 styles in a short course pool, 10 strokes or less in long course – “Tai Chi Swimming.”  Please go to T.I.P.S. for a more detailed explanation.
  • OB          Over Best:  # of strokes recommended over your BBDPS count
  • TOR        Turn Over Rate
  • Y             FlY
  • K             BacK
  •              BreasT
  • E              FreE
  • uw           Underwater
  • kk            Kick
  •  ‘              Minutes
  • “              Seconds
  • w/            with: utilized to indicate a number of seconds of rest between repetitions
  • on:          to indicate that everyone will do a repetition on a set send-off
  • Description of Training Set:  25’ x (5 x 100 /10”)w/30” – During 25 minutes, you swim sets of 5 one-hundreds taking 10 seconds to rest after each and taking 30 seconds rest after 5.


{IM Drill: 4 kk Y, 7 kk K, 2 kk T, 7 kk E.

{IM Swim: Swim the 4 strokes in the Individual Medley order

YKTE @ your BB&DPS 5 strokes or less in 25 yd. pool).

4 kk Y: Lie on the ‘Y’ position, dolphin kick 4 times, on the 4th kick stroke and breathe; repeat the length of the pool.

7 kk K: Lie on the ‘I’ position (shoulder to the sky with arm parallel to body, hand on the thigh/arm pit to the bottom with arm above head in line with the body), flutter kick 4 times with the top leg, that allows for 3 kicks with the bottom leg, then stroke and lie on the other side and repeat the 7 kicks, count 4 kicks with the top leg.

2 kk T: Pull, breathe, kick, glide, hold your hands in front, then breathe, kick, glide; repeat 2 kicks for 1 pull; on the 2nd stroke think timing, shoulders and heels up together, down together.

7 kk E: Same as back: arm-pit to the bottom – shoulder to the sky, when you stroke one time, during the roll side to side, the nose goes past the water, and you count 4 kicks from the bottom leg (since both feet are kicking you do a total of 7 kicks), after you breathe, set head and stroke again back to the first side.

Continue repeating 1x IM drills, 1x IM swim until time is finished.


On 45” {4 x 25 w/kickboard } kick fast (not afayc) 20”- 25” leave on 45”, 25”+ on 50”, 30”+ on 60”

{4 x 25 E w/bucket brisk} setting the head (steady bowline), fast feet in a small space, and shoulder shifting, front quadrant swimming, breathe if  necessary.  On 45” or a sendoff that allows you to get at least 20” rest on the kick. Repeat the number of sets specified, alternating, the 4 kicking laps and the 4 bucket  laps.


FREE – Fake, 2x Arm recovery:  Swim freestyle, the recovery arm will recover twice, one time to take a breathe and reset the arm at the back end while you reset the head, then recover the second time and swim the lead arm for real.  On the second arm recovery, repeat: recover to take a breath, reset the arm and the head, then recover and swim for real.  Yes, breathe on both sides.  Pay attention to keeping the leading arm steady in the front end while you do the fake arm recovery, you are learning to ride on your ski (your arm) while letting your lungs carry you.

During warm-up triathletes are encouraged to swim the 4 styles, it is warm-up for the entire musculoskeletal system; furthermore, swimming breaststroke can help in a race situation in the event of a foot or calf cramp, the breast kick requires to flex the foot, the way to get rid of said cramps; swimming backstroke will help the triathletes to ‘find core’, connecting the hands to the power source, the hip rotation, while keeping the head set, (no need to turn the head to breathe); the butterfly, will make you more aquatic.  When swimmers do Individual Medley:  Y, K, T, and E:  FLY, BACK, BREAST, FREE; Tri-athletes swim: N, P, F, B: Naked (no equipment), Paddles, Fins, Both

1 stroke in Y and T is one extension to the front end; count the letter at the breath and the number at the “glide.”

1 stroke in E and K is counted when both arms have completed a revolution, the letter for one hand, and the number for the other hand; count when the revolution is completed at hand entry.

The recommended “Number of Strokes OB” over best is for short course pools, if you train in a long course pool double the recommended number and add a stroke.  Obviously, the lack of turn and the extra distance makes a difference.  For example if the set reads swim at 1 ½ to 2 ½ OB, it means that in the long course pool you will swim at 4 to 6 strokes over your best stroke count.  We know that when you take more strokes you swim faster, up to a point that your style may suffer or tire you too quickly.

Pay attention:

Count strokes.  When equipment such as paddles and/or fins are used deduct ½ stroke from the OB for each accessory that you wear.

Count your strokes and monitor your heart rate you will optimize your training. If you know your time, you are really paying attention.  Training is about going FAST at the right times, as fast as YOU can, easy enough so you last every set, all out!  Swimming “hard” all the time can be hazardous to your style and speed. Know at what pace you need to train every set.

Date:  09-30-2024 Workout Today
Energy System Exercise Set Exercise Description
Warm Up EN1 ·         15’ x {IM Drill: 4kkY, 7kkK, 2kkT, 7kkE

{IM Swim @ BBDPS, 1 OB, 2 OB, 3 OB

·         8 x 50 kk w/board on 1:15 or w/10“ to 15“

Please see BASICS, for full set explanations, on the IM swim start the first loop at BBDPS, and add a stroke on each loop you repeat, until you are out of warm-up time.
Sprint Set SP3 2 x {(4 x 6 str on 1’) w/50 drill


2 sets of 4x 25, push off and swim all out, do not breathe until 6 strokes, and then swim easy to the 25.  In E & K 6 strokes are 12 digs, in Y & T 6 extensions to the front.
Anaerobic Threshold EN3

Intensity: 3 to 4 OB

Equipment:  Hand Paddles

40’ x {(8 x 100 w/20”) w/60”

{(16 x 50 w/15”) w/60”

{(32 x 25 w/10”) w/60”

Repeat 800’s broken until 40’ are finished, rest 60” after counting A to P.
Kick Set 3 x {4 x 25 w/kickboard} on 45”

{4 x 25 E no breathe}

Please see BASICS, if you need more explanations
Date:  10-01-2024 Workout Today
Energy System Exercise Set Exercise Description
Warm Up EN1 15’ x {IM Drill: 4kkY, 7kkK, 2kkT, 7kkE

{IM Swim @ BBDPS, 1 OB, 2 OB, 3 OB

Please see BASICS, for full set explanations, on the IM swim start the first loop at BBDPS, and add a stroke on each loop you repeat, until you are out of warm-up time.
Prolonged Sprinting SP3 3 x {(4 x 25 on 2’) w/50 drill


3 sets of 4 repetitions – dive-in 25’s all out, no breath if possible.  Work on start, break, and maximum acceleration.  Swim easy to the 50 and restart on prescribed send-off.
Aerobic Training EN2

Intensity: 1½ to 3 OB

Equipment:  Paddles and Fins

45’ x 100’s w/10” A to B Swim 100’s, go as fast as you can, EZ enough to last 45 minutes w/10” rest between each.  Maintain a steady pace.
Kick Set 2 x {4 x 25 w/kickboard} on 45”

{4 x 25 E no breath}

Please see BASICS, if you need more explanations
Date:  10-02-2024 Workout Today
Energy System Exercise Set                           Exercise Description
Warm Up EN1 15’ x {IM Drill: 4kkY, 7kkK, 2kkT, 7kkE

{IM Swim @ BBDPS, 1 OB, 2 OB, 3 OB

Please see BASICS, for full set explanations, on the IM swim start the first loop at BBDPS, and add a stroke on each loop you repeat, until you are out of warm-up time.
Aerobic Training EN2

Intensity:  1 ½ to 3 OB

Equipment:  None

45’ x {(5 x 100 w/10” to 15”) w/20” A to B

Y, K, T, E, IM

Sets of 5x 100 w/10” rest after every 5 take 20” rest, to drink; swim 1x 100 of each stroke and 1x IM.  Restart until 45’ finish;  triathletes swim 1x 100 each of naked, paddles, fins, both
Lactate Anaerobic Power SP2

Intensity:  6 to 7 OB

2 x (3 x 75 on 5’) w/7’ Choice of stroke, dive in every time, swim an easy 100 to 150, between swims
Kick Set 1 x {4 x 25 w/kickboard} on 45”

{4 x 25 E no breath}

Please see BASICS, if you need more explanations
Date: 10-03-2024 Workout Today
Energy System Exercise Set Exercise Description
Warm Up EN1 20’ x {IM Drill: 4kkY, 7kkK, 2kkT, 7kkE

{IM Swim @ BBDPS, 1 OB, 2 OB, 3 OB

Please see BASICS, for full set explanations, on the IM swim start the first loop at BBDPS, and add a stroke on each loop you repeat, until you are out of warm-up time.
In Motion Speed SP3 3 x {(4 x 50 on 1:30) w/50 drill

6 str

“Olympic” Finishes.  Swim 3 sets of 4x 50 go easy until six strokes out of the finish, then sprint all out no breath and touch, not “grab” the wall.  Swim a 50 drill after 4.  Choose a different stroke each set.
Anaerobic Threshold EN3

Intensity:  3 to 4 OB

Equipment:  Paddles optional

30’ x {(2 x 50 w/10”) w/30” A to B

{(4 x 50 w/10”) w/40” A to D

{(6 x 50 w/10”) w/50” A to F

{(8 x 50 w/10”) w/60” A to H

2x 50, 4x 50, 6x 50, and 8x 50.  Please observe the resting intervals.  Restart until the 30’ are finished.
Kick Set 2 x {4 x 25 w/kickboard} on 45”

{4 x 25 E no breathe}

Please see BASICS, if you need more explanations
Date:  10-04-2024 Workout Today
Energy System Exercise Set Exercise Description
Warm Up EN1 15’ x {IM Drill: 4kkY, 7kkK, 2kkT, 7kkE

{IM Swim @ BBDPS, 1 OB, 2 OB, 3 OB

Please see BASICS, for full set explanations, on the IM swim start the first loop at BBDPS, and add a stroke on each loop you repeat, until you are out of warm-up time.
Aerobic Training EN2

Intensity: 2½ to 3½ OB

40’ x {(100 IM w/15” Count:  A to B

{(100 E w/15”

Swim 1x 100 IM and then 1x 100 free, watch the resting intervals
Anaerobic Threshold EN3

Intensity:     3 to 4 OB

Equipment:  Fins – optional

30’ x {(2 x 100w/15”) w/45” K

{(4 x 50 w/10”) w/45”

{(8 x 25 w/05”) w/45”

Count:  A to D

200’s broken backstroke, 1x 100’s, 1x 50’s, and 1x 25’s; work on the 15 yards under water dolphin kick on every wall, use fins if you want to.
Kick Set 1x {4 x 25 w/kickboard} on 45”

{4 x 25 E no breathe}

Please see BASICS, if you need more explanations
Date:  10-05-2024 Workout Today
Energy System Exercise Set Exercise Description
Warm Up EN1 15’ x {IM Drill: 4kkY, 7kkK, 2kkT, 7kkE

{IM Swim @ BBDPS, 1 OB, 2 OB, 3 OB

Please see BASICS, for full set explanations, on the IM swim start the first loop at BBDPS, and add a stroke on each loop you repeat, until you are out of warm-up time.
Aerobic Training EN 2

Intensity: 1½ to 3 OB

Equipment:  Fins

40’ x {1 x 100 IM w/15”

{2 x 25 kk on 45”

{1 x 100 4th best w/15”

{2 x 25 kk on 45”

{1 x 100 3rd best w/15”

{2 x 25 kk on 45”

{1 x 100 2nd best w/15”

{2 x 25 kk on 45”

The swim portions are at the intensity prescribed in the Energy System, working on 2nd, 3rd and 4th best strokes.  The kick portions should be on flutter and dolphin uw, fins are recommended, so you can last the whole way underwater in the streamline glide position, 1 on belly and 1 on back.
Sprint Set SP3 4 x 5 str on 1:30 w/50 drill


4 sprints of 5 strokes, all out – no breathe, swim EZ to the 50,
Resistance to Speed SP3

6 to 7 OB

2 x {8, 10(11), 12(14), 14(17) strokes on 2’} w/50 drill


Make sure you can make 14 strokes before you attempt 17 strokes all out no breathe.  Do the ascending stroke count on the first set, and the descending stroke count on the second set.

Swim 50’s push-off and race the number of strokes listed, every time you make it all out, no breath, you advance to the next larger number of strokes.  You may choose any style. After 4 repetitions, do a 50 drill then do the second set.  If you have buckets or parachutes, do this set tied to a bucket.  For more info’ on bucket swimming write to: coachrs@swimgym.net
Warm Down EN1 600 IM –  P, K, S 600 pull, kick, swim:  IM